Jurusan Teknik Informatika
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Item PERANCANGAN MOTION GRAPHICS SEBAGAI MEDIA EDUKASI JARINGAN FTTH (FIBER TO THE HOME) PT TELKOM AKSES(2024-07-26) Prastama, Radetya Hendra; Aji, Satriya BayuPT Telkom Akses atau yang disebut (PTTA) merupakan salah satu dari anak perusahaan BUMN yaitu PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk (Telkom). PTTA memiliki sebuah unit yang bernama Fiber Academy (FA), unit ini bertanggung jawab atas kualitas sumber daya manusia yang dimiliki PTTA. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara yang dilakukan penulis pada bulan Juli 2022 kepada karyawan PT Telkom Akses Batam, menunjukkan bahwa sebagian karyawan menyatakan belum memahami infrastruktur jaringan fiber optik yang dikelola oleh PTTA, terutama bagi unit kerja yang tidak berinteraksi langsung ke lapangan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, penulis memilih video motion graphics sebagai media edukasi pada penelitian kali ini. diharapkan dengan dibuat nya media ini dapat meningkatkan pemahaman karyawan terhadap infrastruktur jaringan FTTH pada PT Telkom Akses. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode penyelesaian Luther Sutopo dan untuk metode analisis menggunakan observasi oleh ahli untuk alpha testing dan untuk beta testing menggunakan uji t dependent. Hasil analisis alpha testing menunjukkan bahwa setelah satu kali perbaikan, video telah mendapat review positif dan kualitasnya dianggap cukup baik untuk melanjutkan ke tahap beta testing. Namun, pada tahap beta testing, uji dependent sample t-test tidak dapat dilakukan karena data tidak berdistribusi normal. Sebagai alternatif, digunakan uji non-parametrik Wilcoxon, yang menunjukkan kenaikan yang signifikan dalam pemahaman peserta setelah menonton video. Penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa kurangnya media yang menjelaskan infrastruktur jaringan FTTH menjadi faktor utama sulitnya pemahaman karyawan yang tidak berinteraksi langsung dengan lapangan. Hasil uji Wilcoxon menunjukkan pengaruh signifikan dari edukasi video terhadap pemahaman karyawan, dengan nilai Sig (2-tailed) < 0.05. Ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan pemahaman dari karyawan PT Telkom Akses setelah menonton video infrastruktur jaringan FTTH.Item Rancang Bangun Platform Capture The Flag (CTF) Jeopardy Sebagai Sumber Pembelajaran Ethical Hacking(2024-06-24) Haris, Muhammad Nur Sya'bani; Resda, Dodi Prima; Haikal, AntoniThis research details the process of building a Capture The Flag (CTF) Jeopardy platform using CTFd open-source technology and by using the DevOps (Development & Operations) development method. This case study aims to be a learning resource for ethical hacking with a focus on utilizing the open-source CTFd software. The resulting platform is designed to provide a well-rounded learning experience, including relevant security challenges, with the aim of improving ethical hacking understanding and skills. The findings from this case study can provide valuable guidance for practitioners and educators in the field of information security. In this study, the authors conducted a test analysis using the User Experience Questionnaire to test the harisCTF platform that had been created.Item Analisis Pengaruh Capture The Flag Jeopardy-Style Dalam Memperkenalkan Pendidikan Digital Forensik Menggunakan Metode User Experience Questionnaire(2024-06-24) Meirasari, Mudjrika; Resda, Dodi Prima; Haikal, AntoniThe importance of cybersecurity education in the digitalization era is a big concern. One of them is through the concept of gamification, which is a technique of using games by applying educational principles. Based on this, Capture The Flag (CTF) is used as a set of challenges to improve the basics of cybersecurity which includes several questions with the primary goal of finding the flag. CTF has several fields, one of which will be discussed specifically in this paper regarding the CTF Jeopardy-Style platform especially digital forensics which has been created to introduce digital forensics education especially for beginners. digital forensics is used to identify and analyze digital evidence. In the concept of CTF, participants are required to gather information, analyze files, and solve the challenge of the question using digital forensic techniques, either using tools or manually, to get flags as evidence of successful completion of the challenge. The interrelation between CTF and digital forensics provides an important foundation in the development of skills needed to fight digital crime. Additionally, UEQ is used as a tool to test the learning platform to determine if it is fulfilling the user's expectations based on their experience while playing.Item Respon Mahasiswa Pada Pemahaman Penetration Testing Melalui Gamifikasi Capture The Flag (Studi Kasus Program Studi Rekayasa Keamanan Siber Politeknik Negeri Batam)(2024-06-21) Indriani, Yunita Tri; Resda, Dodi Prima; Haikal, AntoniThe increase in cybercrime is one of the triggers for knowledge about cybersecurity. The ever-evolving cyber knowledge is the task of teachers in finding solutions on how to keep up with the knowledge that continues to evolve every time. Cybersecurity knowledge has been applied in various ways, one of which is in the form of gamification capture the flag. Gamification of capture the flag has become the choice of many students to learn the understanding of penetration testing. This solution requires the support of student responses in its implementation in the Batam State Polytechnic Cybersecurity Engineering Study Program. This study program has supported learning with capture the flag gamification and collaborated with project-based learning penetration testing so that the respondents taken meet the requirements in this study. This research aims to help teachers determine the right learning techniques and get responses related to the implementation of gamification capture the flag with an understanding of penetration testing. In this study, the method used is a quantitative method with descriptive statistical analysis with three factors analyzed, namely theoretical understanding, practical understanding, and awareness of the importance of penetration testing. The results of this study resulted in a good response from students regarding the understanding of penetration testing through gamification capture the flag, both in theoretical understanding, practical understanding, and awareness of the importance of penetration testing.Item PERBANDINGAN PERFORMA MODEL 3 DIMENSI SHIO PADA GAME METAVERSE MENGGUNAKAN SCULPTING TOOLS DAN MANIPULASI VERTEX(2024-06-25) Hutagalung,Charolinda; Anas, Al Uns; Miranto, CahyaPerkembangan teknologi saat ini telah mengambil banyak peran di berbagai bidang, salah satunya adalah industri kreatif. Perwujudan industri kreatif dalam memanfaatkkan teknologi salah satunya dibuktikan dengan adanya pengembangan sebuah game atau permainan yang bernama game metaverse "Twelve". Game ini merupakan jenis game 3D yang salah satu unsur pembentuknya adalah aset 3D. Untuk membuat aset 3D tentunya dibutuhkan teknik pengembangan berupa pemodelan 3D. Secara khusus game metaverse ini menggunakan dua cara pemodelan, yaitu menggunakan sculpting tools dan menggunakan manipulasi vertex atau sering disebut extrude face. Adanya penggunaan kedua cara pemodelan ini terjadi karena adanya perbedaan pendapat antara modeller dalam menggunakan dua cara pemodelan. Dengan adanya permasalahan ini diangkatlah sebuah penelitian yang mengidentifikasi efektivitas dari kedua cara pemodelan untuk menentukan penggunaan paling efektif dari dua cara pemodelan pada objek pets shio game metaverse "Twelve". Pengumpulan data menggunakan pendekatan kuantitaif dan kualitatif melalui pengujian pada unity profiler terhadap objek pets shio dengan memantau jumlah fps dan tris yang dihasilkan pada tingkat spawn tertentu. Berdasarkan pengujian yang dilakukan, menunjukkan bahwa cara pemodelan yang paling efektif untuk memodelkan objek pets shio pada game metaverse "Twelve" adalah Manipulasi vertexItem Memory DumpAnalysis in Capture The Flag: Using Volatility 3 to Extract Hidden Files(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2024-06-12) Yusriyah, Isnaeni Hari; Arapenta, Joy Gilbert; Tambunan, Jean Tirstan; Arif, HamdaniThe field of study that examines how to uncover, collect, analyze, and present digital evidence from electronic devices is called computer forensics. This research focuses on the analysis of memory dumps in the Capture The Flag (CTF) cybersecurity competition with the aim of uncovering hidden files that may be concealed in memory by an attacker. Conducting analysis on memory dumps is an important technique in digital forensics and security incident investigation to uncover suspicious activities and hidden evidence that is not available on storage media. The Volatility Framework is utilized as the main framework for analyzing memory dumps. The analysis process adopts the general stages of the computer forensics investigation model, including acquisition, analysis, and extraction. Various Volatility plugins and modules, such as imageinfo, pslist, cmdline, filescan, grep, and dumpfiles, are optimized to identify suspicious processes, locations of hidden files, and passwords required to open encrypted files. This research shows that the Volatility Framework is an effective memory forensics tool for extracting important information from memory dumps, including hidden files, which is highly useful in the context of cybersecurity competitions such as Capture The Flag (CTF).Item Analysis of Cyber Security Knowledge and Skills for Capture the Flag Competition(Jurnal Integrasi, 2022-04-12) Gilbert,Joy; Tirstan,Jean; ., NelmiawatiCTF (Capture The Flag) competitions have emerged as a pivotal instrument in development of cyber security education over the past six years. It is imperative to ensure that the CTF competitions continue to develop to facilitate growth of cyber security education. To achieve the desired growth, it is necessary to analyze the progress achieved in the last six years the program has been implemented. This research collects and analyzes approximately 500 CTF solutions from the CTFtime platform. From the results of this analysis, we have identified that skills and techniques are needed in each category of CTF questions. We use the results of this analysis as a reference for questions on the CTF Platform that we created during PCT (Polibatam Cyber Team) regeneration. PCT consists of a group of students from the Cyber Security Engineering study program who are prepared to be at the forefront in participating in various activities related to Cyber Security.The method we use is different from other CTFs, in thatwe use a skill-based and technique-based approach. We found that this approach was able to attract 80% of participants in solving and improving their skills in Cyber Security towards any challenges in a competitive environment.Item Analisis Efektivitas Game VR Tower Defense the Rise of Majapahit Kingdom sebagai Media Edukasi Sejarah(2024) Nafisah, Adilah Putri; Riwinoto, RiwinotoPenelitian ini menganalisis efektivitas penggunaan game VR Tower Defense the Rise of Majapahit Kingdom sebagai media edukasi sejarah. Penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan observasional. Dengan hasil yang menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan game VR Tower Defense the Rise of Majapahit Kingdom efektif dalam meningkatkan pemahaman sejarah. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan game VR Tower Defense the Rise of Majapahit Kingdom merupakan solusi yang efektif dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan sejarah. Temuan ini memberikan implikasi penting dalam pengembangan teknologi VR dalam pembelajaran sejarah dan menawarkan prospek penggunaan game VR dalam konteks pendidikan yang lebih luas.Item APLIKASI EDUKASI DAN PELAPORAN KASUS BULLYING DI SMAN 8 BATAM BERBASIS WEBSITE(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2024-06-25) Aryansyah, Muhammad Akbar; SupardiantoThis research aims to develop an educational application and bullying reporting system at SMAN 8 Batam through a website platform. This app educates students about bullying, its consequences, and prevention, with additional articles to increase understanding and provide a safe platform to report bullying incidents. Reporting features ensure quick and confidential resolution of incidents, encouraging accountability and intervention. Empowering students with the knowledge and tools to overcome bullying will foster a culture of respect and inclusivity. the development of this system meets the expectations of its proponents. Comprehensive features and enhancements in various processes significantly aid in the education and reporting of bullying. Additionally, the admin interface for checking report data and user data is very helpful in data verification.Item Pembuatan Motion Graphic Safety Induction Sebagai Media Informasi Bagi Karyawan PT SM Engineering(2024-05-06) Alfajri; Dwi Harlyan, GendhyThis research discusses making motion graphic safety induction videos as information media for PT SM ENGINEERING employees. Generally, the delivery of safety induction at PT SM ENGINEERING still use presentation slides in PDF format and sent to each employee. However, with the development of technology, especially in multimedia, a safety induction video in motion graphics was made as a new, more effective information media. This research uses the Villamil-Molina development method, which includes several stages: development, pre-production, production, post-production, and delivery. To analyze the effectiveness of motion graphic videos, the EPIC model method uses four dimensions: empathy, persuasiveness, impact, and communication. The analysis using the EPIC model shows a value of 4.26, indicating that the motion graphic video is very effective in providing Safety Induction information to PT SM ENGINEERING employees.