D3 Teknik Elektronika Manufaktur
Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://repository.polibatam.ac.id/handle/PL029/1759
Item Analisa Kegagalan Kartu RFID yang Tidak Terbaca oleh NFC Reader(2022-07-08) SIHOMBING KENNEDI, RIO; Asaad Sakinah NurRFID adalah teknologi pengenal otomatis non-kontak yang menggunakan sinyal radio untuk mengidentifikasi, melacak, menyortir, dan mendeteksi berbagai objek termasuk orang, mobil, transportasi, tanpa perlu kontak langsung. Perangkat kartu RFID yang terdiri dari chip dengan connecting berupa lilitan antenna sehingga dapat dideteksi pada jarak tertentu. Dalam proses pembuatan manufaktur RFID dapat dilakukan beberapa proses yaitu proses Die Bonding, Epoxy Cure, Wire Bonding, Globtop, Globtop Cure, COB Singulation, Antenna Winding, Soldering, PVC Laminating. Teaching Factory Manufacturing of Electronics (TFME) merupakan perusahaan yang memproduksi kartu RFID dengan baik. Namun, sering terjadi kegagalan pada Kartu RFID yang tidak terbaca dengan menggunakan NFC Reader maka dari itu perlu dilakukan analisa menggunakan metode Nondestructive dan Destructive yang bertujuan mampu menyelesaikan masalah yang terjadi pada projek manufaktur RFID. Metode Nondestructive merupakan pengujian yang dilakukan pada material yang tidak menyebabkan kerusakan pada sampel tapi menggunakan alat seperti X-Ray sedangkan Metode Destructive merupakan pengujian atau pengetesan yang dilakukaan pemotongan Kartu RFID agar defect bisa terlihat menggunakan Mikroskop Keyence VHX-6000. Oleh karena itu, harus ada perbaikan yang nantinya akan memperbaiki yield dari produksi. Penulis menggunakan beberapa metode untuk mengurangi defect tersebut seperti fishbone diagram dan 5 why agar mempermudah penulis untuk mencari masalah yang terjadi pada kartu RFID yang tidak terbaca.Item Analysis Broken Wire Module Econo Pack+B in Wire Bonding Process(2024-07-08) Pakpahan, Steven; Sani, AbdullahSince the establishment of the new Econo line back end site, Infineon Technologies Cegled Kft has experienced quite rapid improvements in every production line including the wire bonding area. This increase in production in the wire bonding area resulted in a high number of rejected broken wires which resulted in failure of the Econo Pack+B product which resulted in expensive production costs resulting in losses for the company and production output not being achieved. So that the root cause of the broken wire defect can be known for certain and controlled which will have an impact on improving the quality process and achieving the production target yield of 95.4% to increase the key performance indicator of the production area and achieving a stable process in the wire bonding process based on the value cpk shear test.Item Analysis Defect Insufficient Solder J2 on PCBA Model CG200-20244-004(2024-07-23) Sembiring, Hanna Febriana Kirana Br; Octowinandi, VivinInsufficient Solder is a condition where there is not enough solder so that the solder is not able to form a good joint. In the production process of PCBA CG200-20244-004, there was an insufficient solder defect at the J2 location. This study aims to analyze the causes of insufficient solder defects using fishbone diagram. After the analysis, the author concluded that the insufficient solder defect occurred due to material factors, namely the thickness of the stencil not able to cover the coplanarity lead component. The stencil thickness used in this model is 3.5 mils or 0.089mm, but based on the results of the coplanarity measurement, there are several components with a coplanarity close to 0.089mm so that the stencil thickness is not able to cover the lead of component. One way to prevent defects from happening again is to increase the thickness of a special stencil at the J2 location from 3.5 mils to 5 mils. With the increase stencil thickness, the solder paste printing results also increase so that it is able to cover the coplanarity of the component.Item Analysis Defect of the Econo PIM 3 Module in the Endtest Process (KWK 4)(2024-06-14) Siregar, Willi Prayogi; Wikanta, PrasajaThe Econo PIM 3 Module is one of the module Processed through KWK 4 Machine in the Endtest Process Area. This module has a defect called Bent Pin and Burn Pin, so this research was prepared to find out the causes of the problems that occur and make improvements to prevent the occurence of these defects.Item ANALYSIS OF BROKEN PIN DEFECT ON MODULE DUAL MC CU IN ENDTEST PROCESS(2024-08-08) Saleh, Ihzanuddin; Darmoyono, Aditya GautamaAbstract— PIN in semiconductors is an acronym for "Positive-Intrinsic-Negative". This refers to the three-layer structure of some semiconductor components such as PIN diodes, which consists of a positive layer (P), an intrinsic or uncharged layer (I), and a negative layer (N). Pins have a variety of functions, in this case the pin is a component in semiconductors that functions as a connector from one component to another. Broken pins are failures that often occur in the Dual MC Cu module in the EndTest process, almost every load there must be broken pin damage, because this module uses sensitive needle pins compared to pins in other modules. There are several factors that affect broken pins, namely; a few wrong pin testing positions, adapters that are too strong in pressure, and from the previous process. This study was conducted to analyze the factors and prevent damage done to the EndTest process caused by broken pins in order to minimize the damage that occurs. This research uses the Fishbone Method and Pareto Chart. This research can analyze the failure, can find the aspects involved in the main failure, and find the causes of product defects in the EndTest production process.Item Analysis of Defect Issues in Wire Bond ASM I Hawk Extreme 099 Before-After Preventive Maintenance(PM)(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2023-07-11) Permadhi, Dede Gading; Prebianto, Nanta Fakih; ; Wijanarko, HeruNon-stick on pad (NSOP) is a defect that falls under the defect category and is very problematic to the manufacturing process because it can cause the production machine to stop working immediately and prevent the material from being reused or removed. The production schedule was thrown off when NSOP issues appeared. This causes a lot of unplanned downtime and may cause it to exceed the management of the company's recommended range. The IHAWK Extreme 099 ASM machine was studied by the authors utilizing the fishbone method, where the fishbone itself is highly useful in determining the reason of errors that occur besides that the author also uses DOE (Design of Experiment) to find the best parameters use. Find causes of NSOP is the goal of this study, defects on the machine minimize the possibility that NSOP defects will develop on the machine, and increase the machine's output. The results of the research are get 1 good parameter to use in production line, there is use 116 DAC (Digital analog Convert) for the Bond Power Parameters, use 35 gf for the Bond Force Parameter. After this parameters implemented during production running, the number of occurrences of NSOP issues can be reduced to 42%.Item Analysis of Glueing Damage on the Baseplate(2024-06-06) Pohan, Dam Huri; Sugandi, BudiGlueing is one of the main components located in the GFR machine system (glueing, frame mounting, riveting). which can affect productivity in the gluing process on the base plate. This study aims to analyze the frequent glueing damage in single dual modules and pim2 & steck2 modules, econo dual caused by parameter setting errors and WT usage errors, curved needles, contaminated needles, soldering along adhesive lines, adhesive contour shifts. The analytical method used in this study is qualitative analysis method. This type of research uses a qualitative descriptive approach, which describes and analyzes the problems found. The results showed that every use of the correct parameters and the use of the right WT will have an impact on good results, as well as increase productivity on GFR machines.Item Analysis of Lifted Metal Defect Improvement at Wire Bond Process for Imotion Device(2024-07-24) Susanto, Nada Rindiani; Prebianto, Nanta FakihIn the process of making IC (Integrated Circuit) through many processes, one of which is the wire bond process. The perfection of a product is a big reason to fulfill customer desires. Therefore, every product must be seen for its quality so that the product is perfect and there are no product defects in it. The wire bond process has many defects, one of which is the lifted metal defect. In this final project, researchers will discuss the improvement of lifted metal defects in the wire bond process which aims to develop or improve products so that defects do not occur again. In addition, researchers will also look for the root cause analysis of lifted metal through the parameters used in the wire bond process and find out the right parameters to reduce the occurrence of lifted metal defects. From the analysis obtained, researchers hope to find the right parameters to develop or improve the occurrence of lifted metal. Keywords: Integrated Circuit, Wire Bond, Defect Lifted Metal, Root Cause AnalysisItem Analysis of Lifted Stitch Defect on EconoPack4 Module in Wire Bonding Process(2024-07-02) M,Anjunius; Puspita,Widya RikaA Lifted Stitch Defect is a wire that becomes disconnected or detached from the desired bonding location, typically a bonding pad on an IC (Integrated Circuit) or substrate. This issue presents a persistent challenge in the semiconductor module during the wire bonding process, thereby affecting the quality of semiconductor products. This research employs a structured approach to identify and eliminate these defects. Diagram charts, Data Collection, and Fishbone Diagram analysis are utilized to systematically uncover the root causes and enhance the quality of the semiconductor module. The applied corrective measures resulted in a 96.75% reduction in lifted stitch defects, demonstrating the effectiveness of this methodology. This research can lead to continuous improvements in the wire bonding process, ensuring increased product quality and reliability.Item Analysis Of Needle Pin Adapter Dynamics In IGBT Module Endtest Process(2024-06-29) Mufriki,Achmad; Octowinandi,VivinNeedle Pin is a needle located on the dynamic adapter and functions to provide voltage to the IGBT module pins during the Endtest process. Many testing processes are not completed on time because some processes do not run according to schedule, especially in the Endtest process due to delays which result in long downtime, one of which is due to problems with testing dynamics. Damage to the dynamic adapter is mainly burnt and jammed needle pins. The author uses the fishbone method/Ishikawa diagram to find out the factors and root causes that cause burnt needle pins. The main root cause in this research is contaminated pins module. This research found that the value of P1 The average machine downtime before repair was 68.83 minutes, min 30 minutes and maximum 115 minutes and the percentage was 71.69%. And the value of P2 The average machine downtime after repairs was 55.08 minutes and the min was 20 minutes and the maximum was 85 minutes and the percentage was 57.37%. Based on the matrix, the comparison range for P1 and P2 is 14.32%.Item Analysis of Solder Void Reduction Using Heller Vacuum Reflow Oven(2024-07-31) Evan S , Ferdi;Solder voids are one of the output characteristics checked on the Die Attach Process. Nowadays, the requirements are very strict especially for Automotive Applications. From 10%-cumulative void, 5% single-void to 5%-cumulative void, 3% single-void which is a big challenge for semiconductor manufacturers. With this, vacuum reflow ovens were chosen to be used to meet these solder void requirements. This research will demonstrate the use of process mapping to streamline the focal process step.The author took data from standard and vacuum reflow ovens to see the decrease in solder voids after the reflow oven process. The author through this research, can reduce solder voids to 5%-total voids, 3%-single voids and can improve product reliability. The author conducted tests that allowed to see the difference between the two reflow oven methods and displayed through charts and box plot graphs. The results obtained are satisfactory and more than the results expected by the author so that they can meet industry standards and make better products as well. Keyword: Die Attach Process, Heller Vacuum Reflow Oven , Solder VoidItem Analysis of Tear and Service Life on Capillary Process Framebond Machine HK 133(2024-07-06) Fauzan,Muhammad Al; Maulidiah,Hana MutialifThe Capillary Bonding process is an important method in the assembly of semiconductor components that involves joining with the use of adhesive materials. The capillary is one of the main components along with the blade contained in a wire bonding machine system. Wire bonding machine system with a process using the HK-133 type which can affect productivity in the bonding process. Productivity in the bonding process. This study aims to analysis the frequent occurrence of rejects caused by calibration limits which include blade and capillary replacement. The analysis method used in this research is qualitative analysis. This type of research uses a qualitative descriptive approach, namely describe and analysis the problems, The research shows that every calibration and capillary limit that has been replaced will have an impact on good results, as well as increase productivity on the machine framebond HK 133.Item "Analysis of Terminal Failures in The Econo Dual Module at End Test Process(0001-07-24) Evan,Antoni; Octowinandi,Vivin— Econo Dual module is one of the manufactured products that has a good summary of features as high power desity,integrated temperature sensor available and RoHScompliant module,econo Dual also has advantages as compact module concept,optimized customer’s development cycle time and cost,configuration flexibility and econo dual can be applied to motor control and drives,industrial heating and welding,mine work and room air conditioners. But with all its advantages the econo dual module must also go through a final checking process, So that the module made can be used properly and perfectly for customers. Terminals are an important part of the module that serves to connect the electrical circuit system to the electrical circuit where the connection is not complex. And final checking using two methods, namely visual and mechanical checking.For this paper focuses more on checking terminals and errors and defects in the terminal part of the econo dual module.The author makes a final project entitled “ANALYSIS OF TERMINAL FAILURE IN THE ECONO DUAL MODULE AT END TEST PROCESS”, with the purpose of being able to analyze products that are categorized as failures and defects. Keywords: Failure Terminals Econo Dual module, End test process, CheckingItem Analysis Of The Cause Of Not Stick Wedge On Chip on Board(2024-07-30) Kurniawan, Ai; Sugandi, BudiAbstract- Wedge Bond is one of the bonding methods in the wire bond process. Wedge that does not stick to the leadframe is one of the defects in the Wire Bond process. One of the impacts of this defect is that the chip becomes disconnected from the leadframe, so that RFID products cannot be used because of this defect. The purpose of this research is to find the cause of the defect, because this defect occurs quite often when doing the Wire Bonding process on COB RFID. The method in this research the author uses Fishbone Diagram. Fishbone Diagram consists of several factors, namely Man, Machine, Material, Method, Measurement, and Environment. By using Fishbone Diagram, the author can analyze some of these factors. The author tries to do BrainStorming with several students/parties who have done the Wire Bonding process. After doing BrainStorming, the author will get several possible causes of defects, then verify the possible causes that have been found. The expected result of this research is that the author can find the main cause of the defect. So that in the future a solution can be found so that the defect can be overcome or even avoided. In this research, the cause of the problem in this defect is the Wedge Parameter which is less accurate, so the author adjusts the previous parameter. Keyword: Wedge Bond, COB RFID, Fishbone DiagramItem Analysis of the Defect's Causes Not Complete Soldering on Reflow Oven Machine using RCA Techniques(2024-06-24) AMELIA; Nakul,FitriyantiThe efficiency of the production process against not complete soldering defects encourages the application of Quality by control strategy for semiconductor components in the form of DCB modules as a scientific approach based on the application of quality risk in semiconductor component product development. This article aims to provide knowledge about the root cause analysis method that can be used in risk management for problems that occur in the manufacturing industry. The results of the article review of root cause analysis methods, such as Pareto Analysis, Fishbone Diagram, 5Whys, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, can be used to find the root cause of a problem with differences in each method in terms of stages, analysis and risk assessment. The benefit of this article is that every company can make improvements to the crucial factors that trigger the not complete soldering defect and prevent and even solve this defect so that the company gets low costs and large profits.Item Analysis of The Effect of Machine Painting on The Number of Machines Certified as Green Line at Testing Area(2024-07-13) Saprizal; Budiana S.Si., M.SiAbstract—PT Infineon Technologies is a German semiconductor company established in April 1999 after Siemens AG, its parent company, was divided to establish new companies, one of which is in Batam. PT Infineon Technologies Batam (IFBT) makes Integrated Circuit (IC) electronic components. The four main areas of Infineon's IC production process are FOL, EOL, Test, and MSP. When Infineon implemented the Green Line concept, launched in 2012, to achieve a stable and controlled manufacturing process, the company's performance improved significantly and the company successfully achieved operational targets such as efficiency, productivity, and quality. In the Green Line concept, four M's were established: People, Machines, Methods, and Materials. To ensure that these standards are applied in the production field, a Man and Machine certification process is conducted. Although the name refers to Machines, other factors such as Man, Method, and Materials are also included in the assessment criteria during the certification process. Once the machine is deemed to meet all the set criteria, the certification process is considered complete and the machine is marked with a sticker indicating its status. This research will study how the condition of paint on engine covers impacts the success of the Green Line engine certification process. The goal of this project is to address the issues found regarding the paint condition on the engine covers so that the number of engines that successfully obtain Green Line certification reaches the set target. The benefits of this research include reducing the failure rate during the machine certification process, achieving the targeted number of certifications, and achieving the targeted number of Green Line machine certifications improving machine condition and ensuring the workplace is clean, sanitary, and easy to use. This research is also expected to improve employee morale, foster trust and confidence with superiors and management, and receive positive feedback from stakeholders such as customers, visitors, and auditors entering the production hall. Using Handler and Tester as objects and using the existing machine database, this research will focus on the Test Area as the research location.Item Analysis of the effectiveness of implementing internships in Hungary for improvement students(2024-03-17) Radha, Savira; Jefiza, Adlian;Item Analysis of the effectiveness of implementing internships in Hungary for improvement students(2024-03-17) Radha Sellini, Savira; Jefiza, Adlian;This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of internships abroad in developing skills, increasing cross-cultural understanding, and its impact on the professional careers of interns. This research involves monitoring and interviewing interns who took part in internship programs abroad during a certain period. The collected data was analyzed to evaluate the benefits of the international internship experienceItem Analysis of the Needle Pin on the Adapter Dynamikus in KWK 1(2024-02-25) Farhan,Reihan Agustino; Maulidiah,Hana MutialifDynamikus is to check whether the module survives at the specified temperature and test the durability of the module, this research aims to analyze the failure of the needle pin then explain the impact of failure on the module, the causes of module problems, failures in the adapter and module, in this research the author is focused on one of the machines used is the KWK 1 machine, the KWK machine is a machine used to check or test the durability of the module, whether the quality of the module has been tested and the discussion in this analysis is focused on the DYNAMICUS adapter. This discussion concerns failures in the needle module and needle adapter, to understand how to reduce failures in the module and what prevents failure, the causes why. The analytical method used in this research is qualitative analysis, this type of research uses a qualitative descriptive approach that describes and analyzes the problems found. Keywords: Adapter,Dynamikus,Needle PinItem Analysis Process Requirement After Safe Launch at Die Attach Process Focused on Package LDSO-14-2(2024-07-23) Pratama,Efri; Jefiza,AdlianSafe Launch is used in the semiconductor IC industry to describe and validation process before the final product is launched to production. In author department,the Process Integrated Department (PI) have responsbility to ensure the product meets all specified requirements. Die attach also known in semiconductor industry as die bonding, it is the process attaching die onto the leadframe. At Infineon, when a new product is about to be launched, PSFLA monitoring will be conducted. Products in PSFLA will be run with a production environment and will be assessed for each process, from pre-assembly to MSP test. In this project, the author will focus on the SFLA process of package LDSO-14-2 at Die Attach Process. Author must ensure that this package must meet the specifications and can be used and applied at PT Infineon Batam. For this project, the method of analysis used is box plot and pareto chart, after the safe launch of the die attach process has been carried out, the author can collect data and analyze related to the title of this project.
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