D-4 Teknik Multimedia & Jaringan
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Item Analisis dan Implementasi Motion Grafis Iklan Layanan Masyarakat dengan Metode Semiotika Peirce(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-01-18) Anggraini, Yuni; Antoni, Condra; Prasetyaningsih, SandiT9echnological development at the moment is very influential in life. One form of utilization of technological development today is in the form of using the media to deliver public service ads. Motion grafiss more widespread use as a medium to deliver the message because it is considered more attractive and cost effective. Making motion grafis public service announcements about the dangers of smoking is also one form of media messaging technology curve. Motion grafis public service announcements about the dangers of cigarettes was analyzed and implemented by the method of Semiotics of Peirce. In this study, in the design phase, namely when design the objects that will be used to do the analysis based on the typology of signs by analyzing icon,index, and symbols contained in each object design. The research result is aproduced motion grafisspublic service announcements presented in MP4 format. The results of the analysis of icon, index and symbol based semiotic typology mark against motion grafiss are: (1) Icon able to represent a source of reference of images disease caused by cigarettes through a form of replication, imitation or expression characteristics from what was intended. (2) Index is able to carry out the functions as a marker that implies a design object in question. (3) Symbol able to perform the function as markers that reinforce a design object in question.Item Analisis dan Implementasi Penggunaan Mel Script Untuk Rigging Karakter Pada Film Animasi 3d Jati Diri Si Kacang dengan Prinsip Squash And Stretch(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-24) Ramonda, Febrian; RiwinotoToday the use of 3D animation increasingly popular, because it can be applied to various aspects, and has a wide range of benefits. But 3D animation has some flaws in the manufacturing process. Some of them are the amount of resources, time, and effort required and there are several fatal human errors in the manufacturing process of 3D animation, as in the rigging. Of course, one of principle of animation is squash and stretch that one of many form of rigging. One solution to these problems is to use MEL script. For that purpose, the research was made on the implementation of MEL script on rigging. This research uses several characters in a 3D animation film as the test sample. Testing method used consisted of calculating the speed of the process of rigging, analysis of the number of human errors that occur, also comparasion of volume from an object that use squash and stretch. Results of the test proved that the method of MEL scripts can make the process of 3D animation of the rigging to be more effective.Item Analisis dan Implementasi Sistem Absensi Mahasiswa Politeknik Negeri Batam Berbasis Fingerprint(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2016-12-15) Dwi Prakastia, Sigit; Cahyono, Nur; SartikhaItem Analisis Framing Dan Type Of Shot Pada Film Dokumenter “ Earthlings ”(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-09-05) Fahmi, Muhammad; Antoni, CondraThe Earthlings film is a documentary film that tells about animal’s tortures. The film shows that many animalss are treated and killed in unnatural ways. The researchers uses framing analysis from Zhongdang Pan and Kosicky (Eriyanto. ( 2009 ) to see how reality is organized, narrated, written, and emphasized in the film. Further, type of shots to determine individual emphasis on shooting.Item Analisis Graph Editor Ease In dan Ease Out dengan Value Graph(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-04-17) Damu, Ayyadin; Riwinoto; MariaAnimation ease in and ease out the value of graph is crucial dal am workmanship every frame count with a movie shot is limited, due to address the limited frame count using value graph to adjust ease in and ease out. There are two methods used in this research that the value graph and deviation deviation (standard deviation). Value graph is the coordinate value of a graph that can affect the movement and position of the character in 3D animation, while the deviation deviation (standard deviation) is a statistical value used to determine how the distribution of data in the sample and how close the individual data points of the average value of the sample. Observation data used is swing and pendulum animation. Animation swing version has 3 pieces each have a value range on the 2 first keyframe graph respectively -120, -100 and -130 with an average deviation deviation 67.69680305, 79.60766893, 52.79835856. While pendulum aniamsi has 3 pieces of each version has the average range value graph on keyframe 4-11 is 10,07379, 14, 83451, 26,25119 with deviation deviation 7,211590762, 9,191676474, 14,50964475. Based on the qualitative test animation expert respondents as many as 15 people can be concluded that in the swing, animation has the greatest deviation graph deviation value 79.60766893 quality ease in and ease out the best 73.3%. While. At the pendulum animation, the animation has a qualitative test against animation expert respondents as many as 15 people can be concluded that the pendulum animation, the animation has a deviation value deviation graph 9.191676474 quality best ease in ease out by 66.7%.Item Analisis Perbandingan Faktor Penentu Kepopuleran Film Animasi Box-Office dengan Metode Collaborative Filtering(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2016-12-28) Citra Prasasti, Dita; Rahmi, Anis; Irawan, SudraProduction of Animation Film Box-Office needs much fund and time. When an animation studio decided to release a film, they need determining factor which can guarantee popularity of a film so it sells well. Popularity of a film influences by may factors. To examine which factors determining popularity of an animation film, this research use collaborative filetering method. In this research, the parameters are MPAA Rating, Star Value, Genre, Studio, and Time Release. The result of this research showed that the most determining factors of popularity in a film are MPAA Rating, Star Value and Genre. The result of the examine using collaborative method needs as many as possible user to get the accurate result.Item Aplikasi Kamus Aneka Bahasa Daerah Berbasis Smartphone Android(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-01-16) Rizaldi, Agil; Sitorus, Maya Armys Roma; Prasetyaningsih, SandiThis abstract contains summary of your thesis ini English. It should contain at least 200 words. This abstract also should give the reader a good impression, to attract the reader to explore the rest of the book.Item Aplikasi Multimedia Interaktif Sebagai Media Pembelajaran dengan Model Drill and Practicebmengunakan Metode Pengembangan Hannafin dan Peck(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-01-05) Pandani, Dea; Dzikri, AfdholThis research was motivated by the problems is the lack of relevant learning media utilization. This study aims to help the learning process of students kindergarten age (4-5 years) in studying general knowledge and science, the concept of shape, pattern, size, and color using drill and practice models and determine the effectiveness of the use of interactive multimedia on learning outcomes. This interactive multimedia development methodologies are created using Hannfain and Peck. The study involved students Nur Hidayah Islamic kindergarten Sei drum, Village Mangsang as many as 30 people. Collecting data in this study conducted with test method. The data obtained from the test method quantitatively analyzed descriptively. Interactive multimedia development is designed based on the storyboard. To measure the success rate of this interactive multimedia, then performed a test. This test consists of functional testing applications and tests of significance. Of the two tests performed on the significance test diperolehlah the Sig. (2-tailed) <0.05 which means they learning via interactive multimedia works so well.Item Desain Prototipe Media Pembelajaran Kriptografi(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-01-05) Masyitah, Nur; ., Nelmiawati; Sitorus, Maya Armys RomaCryptography has been used in various fields such as ATM transactions, bank transactions, mobile phone conversations and so on. Cryptography is closely related to the issue of information security and data confidentiality. Learning in the course of network security, especially cryptography becomes one of the material that is quite difficult to understand by students. In this study, aims to design prototypes of cryptographic learning media and see the development of students' understanding of cryptographic material. Based on the results of Pre- Design Questionnaire that has been done, things that need to be evaluated during the learning of cryptography is time and teaching materials. For that we need a learning media that can help students improve understanding of learning cryptography. The learning media can be a prototype. In this study, the prototype designed in the form of web design using one of the free web editor that is Wix.com. Furthermore, the results of evaluation of learning and prototype testing can be seen in Questionnaire Results Design. The results of this study indicate that the level of mastery of cryptographic learning materials increased only by performing a demo system via web cryptography.Item Identifikasi Ekspresi Pada Film Animasi 3d Menggunakan Ekspresi Wajah Berbasis Neural Network dan K-Means Clustering(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-07-27) Wiyandari, Weni; Riwinoto; anis, anisDetection of expression is something that is strategic for a company engaged in the industrial sector in particular perfilm 3D animated movie, because it speeds up the approval process of the animation supervisor who worked animator, particularly in identifying expressions on character acting. To detect the expression required an automatic system. The system requires a method of artificial intelligence. There are two methods of artificial intelligence that is quite popular in the identification of expression, namely Neural Networks and K-Means Clustering. Neural Network is a supervised learning method which is well used in pattern recognition, while the K-Means Clustering is an unsupervised learning effective methods applied in the process of clarifying the characteristics of the object and is not affected in the order of objects used. The experiment was conducted using both methods to find the highest level of accuracy. In training and testing with a ratio of 80%: 20% of data using Neural Network, the epoch value 500, learning rate 0.3, and 0.2 momentum. While at K-Means Clustering, training to use 100% of the data, with the value itteration 500, numCluster 8 and seed 8. The test results on eight basic expression of happy, sad, afraid, demeaning, angry, disgusted, suprised and interestd, show the highest accuracy on Neural Network is 100%, while the accuracy of the K-Means Clustering is 89.17%.Item Implementasi Color Mood pada Video Klip PYGMY Marmoset Berjudul Cerita Senja dengan Metode Perancangan Villamil Molina(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2016-01-17) Clara Manurung, Ruth; Alfian, AlfianThe development of Technology made the creative industry created more innovations. As in Cinematography where coloring a video and film has become a trend to support the story or the screenplay. In this study, will be create a video clip with Cerita Senja song by Pygmy Marmoset and implementation the color mood. Designing the video clip using a Villamil Molina method. This method consists of Development there is make a story. Then Preproduction there are make a storyboard, made a list of stuff for shooting schedule of shooting, permission for using the song. Next step is Production where it is to start shooting. In step Postproduction, there is editing step and implementation the color mood. The last step is Delivery, where in this step the process is looking for the responden of audience for the color mood, is it the color mood matching with the lyric of Cerita Senja. Then author make online questionnaires with total of correspondent is 43 people. The result of the questionnaires of implementation color mood in the video is successful.Item Implementasi Dynamic Scripting Menggunakan Metode Top Culling Pada Game Arcade Into The Space(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-06-16) Muhaimin, Maharani; Riwinoto; Miranto, CahyaThe game is something that can be played with the purpose of refreshing or entertaining and with certain rules so that there are winners and some are defeated. Player satisfaction is the thing that affects the intention of the game, the more satisfied a player then will feel addicted and more often play the game. A game that is said to be balanced, is a game that is not too difficult and not too easy, so the ability of the player itself to be a major factor in the success of players in playing the game. The importance of players satisfaction affects the difficulty level of the game, generally game player discontent with AI game quality that controls opponents to make players more opponents are controlled by humans, but human- controlled opponents are not available. Because research is needed with new techniques using dynamic scripting for online adaptation in AI games, and 3 (three) different enhancements for dynamic scripting techniques, namely high-fitness penalizing, weight clipping and top culling. Based on research that has been done using top culling method on arcade game type, able to make a balanced game and keep the game remain balanced reach more than 45% -55% from the average value of winning.Item Implementasi Dynamic Scripting Menggunakan Metode Weight Clipping Pada Game 2d Arcade Platform(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-07-02) Kevin, Muhammad; RiwinotoAt this time the development of technology is so growing very rapidly. One of them is game or game. Currently the game not only can be played on the PC, but can also be played on a gadget or smartphone. The games are created using the system. The system is what will govern how the game will run later. A good game is a game that has a good appeal from the side view, rules and also AI because the attraction has one of the functions as an entertainer. But not all AI can make players feel entertained. AI that can make players feel entertained is the AI that can provide a sense of challenge to the players by adjusting their ability to the ability possessed by players. For that it needs mechine-learning that is Dynamic Scripting and weight clipping method to adjust the ability of AI and player. Experiments conducted in this study using questionnaires of 60 questionnaires which are then divided into 2 parts, namely in the first consists of 30 people gamers and the second part 30 people non-gamers. Everyone who filled out the questionnaire conducted 15 experiments in each mode. But the data taken is only the data on the order of 6 to 15. Because the initial 5 data is considered to have a game that has not been stable. So as to generate data as much as 1800 data. So as to generate data as much as 1800 data. So as to produce an average value in offensive mode on gamers (7.03), non-gamers (3.60), defensive mode in gamers (7.10) and non-gamers (3.07), and random mode in gamers (7.77) and non-gamers 3.80).Item Implementasi Dynamic Scripting pada Game Arcade dengan Mode Automatic Player Menggunakan Algoritma Genetika dan Neural Network (GANN)(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-07-03) Restu Kesuma, Ariyandi; RiwinotoArcade Game is a type of game that is not focused on the story, but only played to find satisfaction and pleasure "just for fun" or to chase after the point / highscore. This Arcade game has its own interest, which is usually used to provide excitement in game play. Because the main character can perform various actions according to the pattern of the game platform provided and excitement about how to find the most appropriate way for the game to continue running to get the highest score. Therefore, the current game is not only a media entertainer, but in the game we can also provide information, and train the motor system, reflexes, and how to read and create strategies by playing the game. AI (Artificial Intelligence) is one component in the game where with the presence of Artificial Intelligent game will feel more interesting. Artificial Intelligent is basically a part of the system that can make its own decisions and is usually placed on the enemy, but in this project Artificial Intelligent will be placed on game characters that aims to show the ability of characters in solving problems in the game. Artificial Intelligent can be used for various purposes including one of which is to make the characters able to adapt to the problems that exist in the game by finding their own solutions.Item Implementasi Struktur Musik pada Film Pendek “Mahasiswa Malam (Sumpit Versi 2)” dan Analisis terhadap Tingkat Emosi Penonton(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-07-05) Saharoh, Siti; RiwinotoIn this final project, a short film will be made about the story and existence of student activists, with an emphasis on music editing techniques to provide clear information As well as provide an atmosphere on the film without leaving a natural impression with the aim of making natural effects stay awake so it looks more interesting. The success of a film is also very dependent on the quality of music on film production, the resulting design of short films with a duration of 18 minutes. External Validity used in this experimental study used conceptual replication of the mechanisms of music to evoke emotion. Research subjects were 20 students of Batam. The software used is Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effect, The results show that applying music on film can emit an emotion.Item Implementasi Teknik Color Correction dan Color Grading Dalam Pembuatan Film “Tempat Wisata di Batam”(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-07-31) El Yunusia, Rahma; Sitorus, Maya Armys Roma; Prasetyaningsih, SandiFilmmaking is currently growing, most of the films presented are not pure films from the initial shoot but have been edited. One of the editing process in the film is the color correction and color grading used to correct the color of the film. Therefore, the film was made "Tourist Places in Batam" by applying the process of color correction and color grading editing. The making of this film is structured using Villamil Molina design method. This method consists of the stage of development is to make story ideas. Further preproduction is to find the location, create a script, create a storyboard and preparation of equipment used. The next stage of production is taking video, sound recording and background music selection. In the next stage postproduction process editing and implementation of coloring. For the final stage of the delivery section the video will be uploaded on YouTube. The movie "Tourist Places in Batam" produced a duration of 10 minutes 22 seconds. The test results on the films found that color correction and color grading make the mean RGB color values on different films before and after using color correction and color grading. After the color correction and color grading of the Film Places in Batam, the green color becomes more increased compared with the red and blue color that decreased.Item Pembuatan Film Pendek Berjudul Matinya Sosialisasi dengan Menerapkan Metode Dynamic Cutting di Beberapa Bagian Film(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-07-10) Sitepu, Brim; Wibowo, Ari; Firmanda, ArdimanShort film is one of the simplest and most complex films that lasts from 1 to 30 minutes. Currently researchers find almost everyone in the world is using gadgets ranging from small children to adults. Basically the gadget itself is a human creation tool to help humans and the gadget itself is controlled by humans. But now even most people who can not control themselves to use the gadget itself and even cause adverse effects on their lives. Therefore the author wants to make the film Matinya Socialization with the theme of gadgets so that the audience or audience can understand and understand in using gadgets in everyday life. This film contains the message how important we appreciate togetherness with family. In this film the author also apply the method of Dynamic Cutting which is a film editing method that contains the connection of two scenes that do not have continuity, or from one shot with another shot that does not have continuity. The author raises the method of Dynamic Cutting in some parts so that the story in this movie is not too boring with a story that is always sustainable.Item Pengenalan Aktivitas Berkendara Berbasis Sensor Accelerometer dengan Fitur Auto Feedback Menggunakan Algoritma K-Nearest Neighbor(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2016-12-13) Anbeni, Reipki; Arjo, Tri RamadaniNowadays, the use of mobile phones is one of the causes of traffic accidents. It is very alarming considering the use of mobile phones is one of the human activities which nowadays are often performed. This study is trying to give a solution to reduce the causes of traffic accident caused by the use of mobile phone while driving by utilizing the accelerometer sensor contained on smartphones. Data on accelerometer sensor is classified using K-Nearest Neighboar algorithm to determine whether mobile phone users are driving or not driving. This study also make auto feedback application that can automaticaly reply the messages when mobile phone users are driving so that is expected to create safe driving conditions. In order to determine the accuracy of the algorithm to classify the activity of driving, then conducted testing on “auto feedback” application by sending several messages while mobile phone users are driving and when not driving.